IP-Adapters: All you need to know

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IP-adapter (Image Prompt adapter) is a Stable Diffusion add-on for using images as prompts, similar to Midjourney and DaLLE 3. You can use it to copy the style, composition, or a face in the reference image.

The post will cover:

  • IP-Adapter models – Plus, Face ID, Face ID v2, Face ID portrait, etc.
  • How to use IP-adapters in AUTOMATIC1111 and ComfyUI.

IP-adapter models

The number of IP-adapter models is growing rapidly. It can be difficult to keep track of if you are not following closely.

This section gives you an overview of all IP-adapters released so far. You can find the original repository below.

An image encoder processes the reference image before feeding into the IP-adapter. Two image encoders are used in IP-adapters:

  1. OpenClip ViT H 14 (aka SD 1.5 version, 632M paramaters)
  2. OpenClip ViT BigG 14 (aka SDXL version, 1845M parameters)

However, things got muddled when some SDXL IP-Adapter models also got trained with the H version. For clarity, I will refer them as the ViT H and ViT BigG version. (ViT stands for Vision Transformer)

The Original IP-adapter

The original IP-adapter uses the CLIP image encoder to extract features from the reference image. The novelty of the IP-adapter is training separate cross-attention layers for the image. This makes the IP-adapter more effective in steering the image generation processing.

IP-adapter model
IP-adapter model

Here’s what IP-adapter’s output looks like. It loosely follows the content of the reference image. The DreamShaper 8 model and an empty prompt were used.

IP adapter Plus

IP-Adapter Plus uses a patch embedding scheme similar to Flamingo‘s Percepter-Resampler to encode the image. The IP adapter Plus model produces images that follow the original reference more closely. The fine-grained details, like the face, are usually not copied correctly.

IP-Adapter Plus Face

IP-Adapter Plus Face model has the same architecture as the IP-Adapter Plus. The model weight is fine-tuned for using a cropped face as the reference.

You should use a close-up face as the reference. (like the one below)

The face is followed much more closely.

With IP-Adapter Plus Face, you can direct the image much easier with the prompt.

A girl in office, white professional shirt

IP-Adapter SDXL

There are two versions of IP-Adapter SDXL. One was trained with ViT BigG, and the other was trained with ViT H.

I will use the DreamShaper SDXL model for SDXL versions of the IP-Adapter.

ViT BigG version

This is the original SDXL version of the IP-Adapter. It uses the bigger image encoder BigG.

ViT H version

IP-Adapter Plus SDXL

The Plus version likewise uses the patch image embeddings and the ViT H image adapter. It follows the reference images more closely.

IP-Adapter Plus Face SDXL

IP-Adapter Plus Face SDXL model has the same architecture as the IP Adapter Plus SDXL model but uses images of cropped faces for conditioning.

It copies the face more closely.

IP-Adapter Face ID

IP-Adapter Face ID uses InsightFace to extract the Face ID embedding from the reference image.

You need to use the accompanying LoRA with the Face ID model. It is recommended

A girl in office, white professional shirt <lora:ip-adapter-faceid_sd15_lora:0.6>

Not quite sure if this is working.

IP-Adapter Face ID SDXL

IP-Adapter Face ID uses InsightFace to extract the Face ID embedding from the reference image.

The InsightFace model is the same as the SD1.5’s. There’s no SDXL version

You need to use the accompanying LoRA with the Face ID model.

I am not able to get this one to work.

IP-Adapter Face ID Plus

IP-Adapter Face ID Plus uses everything in the image encoder toolbox:

  • InsightFace for the facial features
  • CLIP image encoder for global facial features
  • Use Perceiver-Resampler to combine them

Use the LoRA with a weight between 0.5 and 0.7.

A girl in office, white professional shirt <lora:ip-adapter-faceid-plus_sd15_lora:0.6>

The LoRA seems to have the effect of following the color scheme of the reference image. Removing the LoRA (or setting the weight to 0) also works.

A girl in office, white professional shirt

IP-Adapter Face ID Plus v2

IP-Adapter Face ID Plus is the same as Face ID Plus except

  • An improved model checkpoint and LoRA
  • Allowing setting a weight on the CLIP image embedding

The LoRA is necessary for the Face ID Plus v2 to work. Use a value between 0.5 and 1.0. The higher it is, the stronger the effect.

A girl in office, white professional shirt <lora:ip-adapter-faceid-plusv2_sd15_lora:0.6>

IP-Adapter Face ID Plus v2 SDXL

IP-Adapter Face ID Plus v2 SDXL is the SDXL version of Face ID Plus v2.

It doesn’t look so hot in my test.

IP-Adapter Face ID Portrait

IP-Adpater Face ID Portrait has the same model architecture as Face ID but accepts multiple images of cropped faces.

Using IP-Adapter in AUTOMATIC11111

Software setup

We will use AUTOMATIC1111 , a popular and free Stable Diffusion software, in this section. You can use this GUI on WindowsMac, or Google Colab.

Check out the Quick Start Guide if you are new to Stable Diffusion. Check out the AUTOMATIC1111 Guide if you are new to AUTOMATIC1111.

Install ControlNet Extension

You will need to install the ControlNet extension to use IP-Adapter.

  1. Start AUTOMATIC1111 Web-UI normally.

2. Navigate to the Extension Page.

3. Click the Install from URL tab.

4. Enter the following URL in the URL for extension’s git repository field.


5. Click the Install button.

6. Wait for the confirmation message that the installation is complete.

7. Restart AUTOMATIC1111.

You will need to select an SDXL checkpoint model to select an SDXL IP Adapter. The list won’t refresh automatically. You can change the Control Type and change back to see the new options.

Download IP-Adapter and LoRA models

For AUTOMATIC1111, you need to download the IP-Adapter and LoRA models to use them.

Pick the one you want to use in the table below.

VersionPreprocessorIP-Adapter ModelLoRA
SD 1.5ip-adapter_clip_sd15ip-adapter_sd15
SD 1.5 Plusip-adapter_clip_sd15ip-adapter_sd15_plus
SD 1.5 Plus Faceip-adapter_clip_sd15ip-adapter-plus-face_sd15
SD 1.5 Face IDip-adapter_face_idip-adapter-faceid_sd15
SD 1.5 Face ID Plusip-adapter_face_id_plusip-adapter-faceid-plus_sd15ip-adapter-faceid-plus_sd15_lora
SD 1.5 Face ID Plus V2ip-adapter_face_id_plusip-adapter-faceid-plusv2_sd15ip-adapter-faceid-plusv2_sd15_lora
SDXL ViT Hip-adapter_clip_sdxl_plus_vithip-adapter-sdxl_vit-h
SDXL Plus ViT Hip-adapter_clip_sdxl_plus_vithip-adapter-plus_sdxl_vit-h
SDXL Face IDip-adapter_face_id

SDXL Face ID Plus v2ip-adapter_face_id_plus

Windows or Mac

Download the IP-Adapter models and put them in the folder stable-diffusion-webui > models > ControlNet.

Download the LoRA models and put them in the folder stable-diffusion-webui > models > Lora.

Google Colab

If you use our AUTOMATIC1111 Colab notebook,

  • Put the IP-adapter models in your Google Drive under AI_PICS > ControlNet folder.
  • Put the LoRA models in your Google Drive under AI_PICS > Lora folder.

You need to select the ControlNet extension to use the model.

Using an IP-adapter model in AUTOMATIC1111

I will use the SD 1.5 Face ID Plus V2 as an example. The usage of other IP-adapters is similar. You only need to follow the table above and select the appropriate preprocessor and model.

Step 1: Select a checkpoint model

Since we will use an SD 1.5 IP-adapter, you must select an SD 1.5 model. I will use the Dreamshaper 8 model.

On the txt2img page, select dreamshaper_8.safetensors in the Stable Diffusion Checkpoint dropdown menu.

Step 2: Enter a prompt and the LoRA

Enter a prompt and, optionally, a negative prompt. E.g.,

A woman in office, white professional shirt

disfigure, deformed, ugly

Look at the table above to see if the IP-adapter needs to be used with a LoRA. You need one for the SD 1.5 Face ID Plus V2 model.

Select the Lora tab. Select the appropriate LoRA. In our case, it is ip-adapter-faceid-plusv2_sd15_lora.

The LoRA directive should be inserted in the prompt. Set the LorA weight to 0.6 to 1 to adjust the effect.

A woman in office, white professional shirt <lora:ip-adapter-faceid-plusv2_sd15_lora:1>

Step 3: Enter ControlNet setting

Scroll down to the ControlNet section.

Upload an reference image to the Image Canvas.

Enable: Yes

Control Type: IP-Adapter

Select the preprocessor and model according to the table above. In this example, they are:

  • Preprocessor: ip-adapter_face_id_plus
  • Model: ip-adapter-faceid-plusv2_sd15

Click Generate to create an image.

Multiple IP-adapter Face ID

You can use multiple IP-adpater to acheive something similar to the IP-adapter portriat model.

Below are 3 pictures from the LoRA training dataset.

You can use them in ControlNet Unit 0, 1 and 2. The setting for each one is the same as above, except you need to set the Control Weight to 0.3 so that they sum up to about 1.

Write a prompt for what you want to generate.

Selfie photo of a woman, smiling, disney, mickey headwear <lora:ip-adapter-faceid-plusv2_sd15_lora:0.8>

Now you get her face without training a LoRA!

Using IP-Adapter in ComfyUI

Software setup

We will use ComfyUI to generate images in this section. It is an alternative to AUTOMATIC1111.

Read the ComfyUI installation guide and ComfyUI beginner’s guide if you are new to ComfyUI.

You will need the IP Adapter Plus custom node to use the various IP-adapters.

Install InsightFace for ComfyUI

You must install InsightFace before using the Face ID workflows.

ComfyUI has recently updated the Python version. You first need to determine what Python version you are using.

Open the File Explorer App. Navigate to the ComfyUI_windows_portable folder. In the address bar, type cmd and press Enter.

A terminal should show up.

In the terminal, type the following command and press Enter.

.\python_embeded\python.exe --version

It should show either Python 3.10.x or 3.11.x.

Download the InsightFace installation file.

Put the file in the ComfyUI_windows_portable folder.

Go back to the terminal.

If you use Python 3.10.x, run:

.\python_embeded\python.exe -m pip install .\insightface-0.7.3-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl

If you use Python 3.11.x, run:

.\python_embeded\python.exe -m pip install .\insightface-0.7.3-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl

Insight Face should have been installed after running the command.

Download models and LoRAs

To use the workflow

  • Install the model files according to the instructions below the table.
  • Download the workflow JSON in the workflow column.
  • Select the IPAdapter Unified Loader Setting in the ComfyUI workflow.
VersionCLIP Vision IP-Adapter ModelLoRAIPAdapter Unified Loader SettingWorkflow
SD 1.5ViT_Hip-adapter_sd15STANDARDlink
SD 1.5 PlusViT_Hip-adapter_sd15_plusPLUSlink
SD 1.5 LightViT_Hip-adapter_sd15_light.binLIGHTlink
SD 1.5 VIT-GVit_BigGip-adapter_sd15_vit-GVIT-Glink
SD 1.5 Plus FaceViT_Hip-adapter-plus-face_sd15PLUS FACElink
SD 1.5 Full FaceViT_Hip-adapter-full-face_sd15FULL FACElink
SD 1.5 Face IDNot usedip-adapter-faceid_sd15FACEIDlink
SD 1.5 Face ID PlusViT_Hip-adapter-faceid-plus_sd15ip-adapter-faceid-plus_sd15_loraFACEID PLUSlink
SD 1.5 Face ID Plus V2ViT_Hip-adapter-faceid-plusv2_sd15ip-adapter-faceid-plusv2_sd15_loraFACEID PLUS V2link
SD 1.5 Face ID portriatViT_Hip-adapter-faceid-portrait_sd15FACEID PORTRAITlink
SDXL ViT HViT_Hip-adapter-sdxl_vit-hSTANDARDlink
SDXL Plus ViT HViT_Hip-adapter-plus_sdxl_vit-hPLUSlink
SDXL Plus FaceViT_Hip-adapter-plus-face_sdxl_vit-hPLUS FACElink
SDXL Face IDNot used

SDXL Face ID Plus v2ViT_H
ip-adapter-faceid-plusv2_sdxl_loraFACEID PLUS V2link
SDXL Face ID portriatViT_Hip-adapter-faceid-portrait_sdxlFACEID PORTRAITlink
SDXL Face ID portrait UnnormViT_H

Download the IP-adapter models and LoRAs according to the table above.

Put the IP-adapter models in the folder: ComfyUI > models > ipadapter.

Put the LoRA models in the folder: ComfyUI > models > loras.

You also need these two image encoders.

  • OpenClip ViT BigG (aka SDXL – rename to CLIP-ViT-bigG-14-laion2B-39B-b160k.safetensors)
  • OpenClip ViT H (aka SD 1.5 – rename to CLIP-ViT-H-14-laion2B-s32B-b79K.safetensors)

Put them in ComfyUI > models > clip_vision.

IP-Adapter SD 1.5

Use the following workflow for IP-Adapter SD 1.5, SD 1.5 Plus, and SD 1.5 Plus Face. Change the unified loader setting according to the table above.

IP-Adapter SDXL

Use the following workflow for IP-Adapter SDXL, SDXL ViT, and SDXL Plus ViT. Set the models according to the table above.

IP-Adapter Face ID SD 1.5

Use the following workflow for IP-Adapter Face ID SD 1.5. Set the models according to the table above.

IP-Adapter Face ID SDXL

Use the following workflow for IP-Adpater Face ID SDXL. Set the models according to the table above.


By Andrew

Andrew is an experienced engineer with a specialization in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He is passionate about programming, art, photography, and education. He has a Ph.D. in engineering.


  1. Trying the ip-adapter, I end up with multiple clip-type preprocessors. Specifically “clip_h” and “clip_g”. Why? More importantly, is there any way to find the preprocessors?

    1. There are only two clip visions H and G. IP adapter uses them to convert an image to embeddings similar to the prompt’s, so that they can be used like prompt to influence the image generation.

      If you use A1111, they are automatically downloaded. If you ComfyUI, you need to do a one-time download and rename.

  2. Andrew, can you please update a workflow for IPAdaptor. There have been changes made in ComfyUO and the examples provided above do not work

      1. hi Andrew, were you able to get to it? Need help with IP Adaptors, it does not work anymore with changes made to it by the developers

        1. Hi! The owner was still making changes last week I checked. I will work on them when he’s done.

          I am quite busy this week but will have time to check again in weekend.

          thanks for your patience!

          1. Yes, I did follow these instructions. The workflow does not reference these Image encoders ..should it?
            OpenClip ViT BigG (aka SDXL – rename to CLIP-ViT-bigG-14-laion2B-39B-b160k.safetensors)
            OpenClip ViT H (aka SD 1.5 – rename to CLIP-ViT-H-14-laion2B-s32B-b79K.safetensors)
            Put them in ComfyUI > models > clip_vision.

          2. I just reran the workflow. Removing these two files reproduces your error message.

            A few things to check:
            – Are you comfyui and ip-adapter-plus up to date? Click update all and restart.
            – Check if there’s any typo in the clip vision file names.
            – Restart comfyUI if you newly created the clip_vision folder.
            – Check to see if the clip vision models are downloaded correctly. BigG is ~3.6 GB. H is ~ 2.5 GB.
            – Check if you have set a different path for clip vision models in extra_model_paths.yaml

            I also included the workflow images near the end of the post. But your issue is related to loading the clip vision model, not linking the nodes.

        2. An update: Trying to work on this today but the repository is still hopelessly broken — can’t even run the most basic ip-adapter workflow. See the instruction above ComfyUI’s table to check out an older version.

          Will revisit in 2 weeks.

          1. Any updates Andrew? I see videos of IP Adaptor working … please help make it work for us

          2. Still not working. I do not see ClipVision model in Workflows but it errors on it saying , it didn’t find it. I did put the Models in Paths as instructed above

            Error occurred when executing IPAdapterUnifiedLoader:

            ClipVision model not found.

            File “C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\execution.py”, line 151, in recursive_execute
            output_data, output_ui = get_output_data(obj, input_data_all)
            File “C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\execution.py”, line 81, in get_output_data
            return_values = map_node_over_list(obj, input_data_all, obj.FUNCTION, allow_interrupt=True)
            File “C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\execution.py”, line 74, in map_node_over_list
            results.append(getattr(obj, func)(**slice_dict(input_data_all, i)))
            File “C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI_IPAdapter_plus\IPAdapterPlus.py”, line 440, in load_models
            raise Exception(“ClipVision model not found.”)

        3. Andrew, is it possible for you to put a Video link to your working Work Flows. Or , at minimum a screen shot of the Workflow. This IP Adapter thing is not working. It may be a minor thing I am missing but for us semi-technicals, it is not obvious. Like Clip Vision Model not found error. Workflow does not ask for it, so not sure how does it know which one to use

          1. Ok, it is working now. The offending omission turned out to be naming of H clip vision model. I guess workflow knows which clip vision to look for based on checkpoint

  3. Using Multiple Images –
    One of my top consistency tricks for making synthetic characters is combining actresses or actors in specific granular weights, like “inspired by (jack black:1.001) and (morgan freeman:1.251)” which makes perfect consistent characters better than LoRAs (ranked by website to check how close face is). Would this be transferable in a way by using multiple pictures of different people to combine into one look? Think it would be the same every time? Gonna check today, but I was curious as to your thoughts.

  4. hy guys, i have problem with IP-adapter , anybody can help? and the result of image is blurry too. I use dreamshaper XL as the checkpoint. thankss

    – ControlNet – ERROR – Invalid pair of IP-Adapter preprocessor(ip-adapter_clip_sdxl) and model(ip-adapter-faceid-plusv2_sdxl [187cb962]).
    Please follow following pairing logic:

    “ip-adapter_clip_sdxl”: lambda model: “faceid” not in model and “vit” not in model,
    “ip-adapter_clip_sdxl_plus_vith”: lambda model: “faceid” not in model and “vit” in model,
    “ip-adapter_clip_sd15”: lambda model: “faceid” not in model,
    “ip-adapter_face_id”: lambda model: “faceid” in model and “plus” not in model,
    “ip-adapter_face_id_plus”: lambda model: “faceid” in model and “plus” in model,

    i’m using dreamshaperXL checkpoint and the result of image is blurry too.

  5. This article, like all of your articles, is fantastic. Thank you for all your hard work, really appreciate everything you do.
    Do you have to change the “.bin” extension to “.pth” anymore? I saw some video tutorials that mentioned this change is required but I have no idea why.

    An aside, do you have a course on training LORA’S? Full Checkpoints?

    1. img2img is generating a pixel-to-pixel similar image. This is conceptually similar, like image variation.

      It is similar to ref controlnet, but better.

  6. I have seen people on Youtube using IP-Adapter Face xxx, with Inpainting:
    1) manually draw a mask to cover the face area in inpainting
    2) use Face ID plus to swap face …

    The IPA Face supposedly to “copy face features”, but Is IPA Face + Inpainting better than just using IPA Face for the whole image ?

    Any thoughts? Thanks !

    1. It could work if you have an image you just want to swap the face.

      It works well if IPA face interferes with the whole image generation. Making it a 2-step process gives you more flexibility.

      A drawback is the inpainted face could be inconsistent with the image in color, etc.

  7. I try to run IP-Adapter on A1111, I got this error:
    2024-02-23 22:19:32,291 – ControlNet – INFO – Loading model: ip-adapter-faceid-plus_sd15 [e3b0c442]
    *** Error running process: C:\Users\federico\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\controlnet.py
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “C:\Users\federico\stable-diffusion-webui\modules\scripts.py”, line 718, in process
    script.process(p, *script_args)
    File “C:\Users\federico\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\controlnet.py”, line 1143, in process
    File “C:\Users\federico\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\controlnet.py”, line 1128, in controlnet_hack
    File “C:\Users\federico\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\controlnet.py”, line 894, in controlnet_main_entry
    model_net, control_model_type = Script.load_control_model(p, unet, unit.model)
    File “C:\Users\federico\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\controlnet.py”, line 367, in load_control_model
    control_model = Script.build_control_model(p, unet, model)
    File “C:\Users\federico\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\controlnet.py”, line 395, in build_control_model
    state_dict = load_state_dict(model_path)
    File “C:\Users\federico\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\utils.py”, line 21, in load_state_dict
    state_dict = unsafe_torch_load(ckpt_path, map_location=torch.device(location))
    File “C:\Users\federico\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\lib\site-packages\torch\serialization.py”, line 815, in load
    return _legacy_load(opened_file, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args)
    File “C:\Users\federico\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\lib\site-packages\torch\serialization.py”, line 1033, in _legacy_load
    magic_number = pickle_module.load(f, **pickle_load_args)
    _pickle.UnpicklingError: invalid load key, ‘<'.
    How to fix it?

  8. Another great read ! Thanks a lot !

    I’m looking for the best way to do face swapping, is it possible to use multiple face IP adapters to really achieve good results comparable to LoRA ? What’s your thoughts ?

    Thanks !

  9. After following this instructions
    “.\python_embeded\python.exe -m pip install .\insightface-0.7.3-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl”,
    my ComfyUI has stopped working.

    Log of Running run_nvidia_gpu batch file.

    C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable>.\python_embeded\python.exe -s ComfyUI\main.py –windows-standalone-build
    Error processing line 7 of C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\python_embeded\Lib\site-packages\pywin32.pth:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “”, line 186, in addpackage
    File “”, line 1, in
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pywin32_bootstrap’

    Remainder of file ignored
    ** ComfyUI startup time: 2024-02-18 21:01:00.490029
    ** Platform: Windows
    ** Python version: 3.11.6 (tags/v3.11.6:8b6ee5b, Oct 2 2023, 14:57:12) [MSC v.1935 64 bit (AMD64)]
    ** Python executable: C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\python_embeded\python.exe
    ** Log path: C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\comfyui.log

    Prestartup times for custom nodes:
    0.0 seconds: C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI-Manager

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\main.py”, line 73, in
    import comfy.utils
    File “C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\comfy\utils.py”, line 1, in
    import torch
    File “C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\python_embeded\Lib\site-packages\torch\__init__.py”, line 130, in
    raise err
    OSError: [WinError 127] The specified procedure could not be found. Error loading “C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\python_embeded\Lib\site-packages\torch\lib\nvfuser_codegen.dll” or one of its dependencies.

    Press any key to continue . . .

      1. Did that .. no luck ..this is the error
        File “C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\python_embeded\Lib\site-packages\transformers\utils\import_utils.py”, line 1354, in __getattr__
        module = self._get_module(self._class_to_module[name])
        File “C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\python_embeded\Lib\site-packages\transformers\utils\import_utils.py”, line 1366, in _get_module
        raise RuntimeError(
        RuntimeError: Failed to import transformers.models.clip because of the following error (look up to see its traceback):
        cannot import name ‘_sentencepiece’ from partially initialized module ‘sentencepiece’ (most likely due to a circular import) (C:\Users\satis\OneDrive\Documents\ComfyUI_windows_portable\python_embeded\Lib\site-packages\sentencepiece\__init__.py)


        1. I guess I will reinstall the whole thing. Is there a way to do a version control on this? Like restore last working version. I am a techy and still finding it hard to keep up with new stuff to install that breaks previously working install 🙂 , wonder how artists deal with this

          I guess we are doing stuff at bleeding edge of technology

  10. Despite following your steps exactly, I get this Error Message:

    Error occurred when executing IPAdapterApply:

    Error(s) in loading state_dict for Resampler:
    size mismatch for proj_in.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([1280, 1280]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([1280, 1664]).

  11. In the example of running on Windows A1111, you did not crop the face while using IP-Adapter 1.5 face id controlnet. Do we need to use cropped face while running the SDXL face id version(s) for better results like in the body of the article?

  12. Put the IP-adapter models in the folder: ComfyUI > models > ipadapter

    I do not see folder ipadapter in ComfyUI > models

    Did I miss a step in installation ?

  13. Hello
    I’m using your Automatic 1111 Colab notebook, and I was wondering how to integrate base models and loras to test this controlnet extension; in the actual notebook there are only two base models and no loras…

  14. An insight about the licensing of these solutions would be great!
    I think they’re all non-commercial because they are based on the Insightface model.

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