CodeFormer: Enhancing facial detail in ComfyUI

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codeformer face restoration in comfyui

CodeFormer is a robust face restoration tool that enhances facial features, making them more realistic and detailed. Integrating CodeFormer into ComfyUI allows you to improve facial quality seamlessly within their workflows. This tutorial will guide you through installing and using CodeFormer in ComfyUI.


We will use ComfyUI, an alternative to AUTOMATIC1111. You can use it on Windows, Mac, or Google Colab. If you prefer using a ComfyUI service, Think Diffusion offers our readers an extra 20% credit.

Read the ComfyUI beginner’s guide if you are new to ComfyUI. See the Quick Start Guide if you are new to AI images and videos.

Take the ComfyUI course to learn how to use ComfyUI step-by-step.


CodeFormer is an AI model that detects and restores faces in images. It identifies facial regions, enhances their features, and reintegrates them into the original image. This process produces more precise and refined facial details, improving the overall image quality.

By integrating CodeFormer into ComfyUI, you can automate this enhancement process within their image generation workflows.


Below is a comparison table showcasing the impact of applying CodeFormer to an image:

As demonstrated, the enhanced image exhibits improved facial clarity and detail, highlighting the effectiveness of CodeFormer in image restoration.

Standalone Face restoration

You can use the CodeFomer model with the Facerestore CF custom nodes. Follow these steps to run a workflow that applies the CodeFormer face restoration model to an image.

This workflow is simple: It loads an input image and apply the CodeFormer model to restore facial details.

Step 1: Download the CodeFormer Model

Download the CodeFormer AI model codeformer.pth. Put it in ComfyUI > models > facerestore_models. Create the facerestore_models folder if it doesn’t exist.

Step 2: Load the CodeFormer workflow

Download the CodeFormer workflow below and drop it to ComfyUI to load.

Step 3: Install missing nodes

If you see nodes with red borders, you don’t have the custom nodes required for this workflow. You should have ComfyUI Manager installed before performing this step.

Click Manager > Install Missing Custom Nodes.

Install the nodes that are missing.

Restart ComfyUI.

Refresh the ComfyUI page.

Step 5: Upload the input image

Upload an image to the Load Image node.

Step 6: Review the CodeFormer setting

Adjust the codeformer_fidelity value in the FaceRestoreCFWithModel node.

  • 0 – High restoration (change more)
  • 0.5 – Medium restoration
  • 1.0 – Low restoration

Below are examples. The changes are subtle so inspect closely to see them.

Step 7: Run the workflow

Click the “Queue” button to execute the workflow.

queue button comfyui

CodeFormer integrated with text-to-image

It is easy to integrate the CodeFormer nodes to a text-to-image workflow. You can attach the codeFormer nodes AFTER the VAE decoder node. Why after? CodeFormer model works in the pixel space and not the latent space.

You can download the text-to-image CodeFormer workflow below. This workflow automatically enhance faces with the CodeFormer model.

Drop it to ComfyUI to load.



By Andrew

Andrew is an experienced software engineer with a specialization in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He is passionate about programming, art, and education. He has a doctorate degree in engineering.


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