Generate images with transparent backgrounds with Stable Diffusion

Generate images with transparent backgrounds with Stable Diffusion

An image with a transparent background is useful for downstream design work. You can use the image with different backgrounds ...
Stable Cascade Model

Stable Cascade Model

Stable Cascade is a new text-to-image model released by Stability AI, the creator of Stable Diffusion. It features higher image ...
What is CFG Scale in Stable Diffusion?

What is CFG Scale in Stable Diffusion?

The Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG) scale controls how closely a prompt should be followed during sampling in Stable Diffusion. It is ...
What is denoising strength?

What is denoising strength?

Denoising strength determines how much noise is added to an image before the sampling steps. It is a common setting ...
FreeU: better AI images at no cost

FreeU: better AI images at no cost

FreeU is a Stable Diffusion addon that improves image quality by modifying the model's denoiser. In this post, you will ...
SDXL Turbo: Real-time Prompting

SDXL Turbo: Real-time Prompting

The SDXL Turbo model is a fine-tuned SDXL model that generates sharp images in 1 sampling step. In this post, ...
LCM-LoRA: High-speed Stable Diffusion

LCM-LoRA: High-speed Stable Diffusion

LCM-LoRA can speed up any Stable Diffusion models. It can be used with the Stable Diffusion XL model to generate ...
DALL·E 3 vs Stable Diffusion XL

DALL·E 3 vs Stable Diffusion XL: A comparison

DALL·E 3 is a text-to-image AI model you can use with ChatGPT. In this post, we will compare DALL·E 3 ...
How to use image prompt in Stable Diffusion

How to use image prompt in Stable Diffusion

Image prompt allows you to use an image as part of the prompt to influence the output image's composition, style, ...
What is text-to-image (txt2img)?

What is text-to-image (txt2img)?

Text-to-image (txt2img) refers to generating an image from text input using an AI model. There are many txt2img AI available ...