Hyper-SD and Hyper-SDXL fast models

Hyper-SD and Hyper-SDXL fast models

Hyper-SD and Hyper-SDXL are distilled Stable Diffusion models that claim to generate high-quality images in 1 to 8 steps. We ...
Stable Diffusion 3: A comparison with SDXL and Stable Cascade

Stable Diffusion 3: A comparison with SDXL and Stable Cascade

Stable Diffusion 3 is the latest and largest image Stable Diffusion model. It promises to outperform previous models like Stable ...
train lora sdxl model

How to train SDXL LoRA models

You can train your own SDXL LoRA model with the Google Colab Notebook created by this site. The following instruction ...
ControlNet SDXL usage guide

How to use ControlNet with SDXL model

Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) is a brand-new model with unprecedented performance. Because of its larger size, the base model itself ...
SDXL reference styles stable diffusion

106 styles for Stable Diffusion XL model

Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) 1.0 is Stable Diffusion's next-generation model. It's a versatile model that can generate diverse styles well ...
SDXL 1.0 model download and install

Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 model

Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) is the latest AI image model that can generate realistic people, legible text, and diverse art ...
Stable Diffusion SDXL Beta Model

Stable Diffusion SDXL Beta Model

Stability AI has released a preview of a new model called SDXL Beta (Stable Diffusion XL Beta). They didn't tell ...