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Inpainting with an uploaded mask

Inpainting with an uploaded mask

You can also upload a separate inpaint mask for inpainting. You will need an image and a mask image like …
ControlNet OpenPose SDXL

ControlNet OpenPose SDXL

The OpenPose ControlNet model is for copying a human pose but the outfit, background and anything else. There are quite …
ControlNet Blur SDXL

ControlNet Blur SDXL

You can use a blur model to recover a blurry image. kohya_controllllite_xl_blur_anime kohya_controllllite_xl_blur Download the models here. Let’s try to …
ControlNet Recolor SDXL

ControlNet Recolor SDXL

The Recolor Control-Loras is for coloring back-and-white photos. You need to download the sai_xl_recolor_256lora LoRA. Put it in the ControlNet …
Controlnet Depth SDXL

Controlnet Depth SDXL

A depth control model uses a depth map (like the one shown below) to condition a Stable Diffusion model to …
ControlNet Canny SDXL

ControlNet Canny SDXL

There are nine ControlNet Canny model available… diffusers_xl_canny_full diffusers_xl_canny_mid diffusers_xl_canny_small kohya_controllllite_xl_canny_anime kohya_controllllite_xl_canny sai_xl_canny_128lora sai_xl_canny_256lora t2i-adapter_xl_canny t2i-adapter_diffusers_xl_canny Which one should you …