Xformers issue – how to install torch with cuda?

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    • #8242

        Hello, when I am using Automatic 1111 on Windows 10 with NVIDIA rtx 3090 it’s giving me an error for xFormers. (“Dreambooth could not find a compatible version of xformers (>= 0.0.21 built with torch 2.0.1+cu118)

        So I installed xformers 0.0.22.post7 (latest release)

        Now I’m getting “torchaudio 2.1.0+cu118 requires torch==2.1.0+cu118, but you have torch 2.1.0 which is incompatible.”

        How can I install torch with cuda?

        Generally I was testing different softwares: some require “anaconda” to be installed. I’m fearing that these different requirements could cause incompatibilities. But as far as I understand, an installation with “cmd” into a folder as it is happening with “stable-diffusion-webui” is only concerning this folder and not interfering with other software.

        I’m using for compatibility right now only cuda 11.8 and python 3.10.11. for stable diffusion.

        Many thanks


        • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by alexis.
        • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by alexis.
      • #8245

          Have you tried deleting the venv folder and restart?

          xformers is a bit outdated. You can try the following A1111 parameter in place of xformers


        • #8247

            Thanks!  I will try… I guess the parameter


            has to be written in the stable-diffusion-webui.bat

            And then would I have I to uninstall somehow xformers?

          • #8248

              You can replace




            • #8354

                Thanks, after removing the venv the message comes, that python 3.11 gets activated and comes a warning for incompatibility.

                I have activated systemwide python 3.10 with a virtual environment with conda. And even in the stable diffusion folder it is set to 3.10

                Is there a way to install or force for the stable-diffusion-webui.bat a python version? I have testet  “set PYTHON =3.10” in the bat but this gives an error for unknown command.

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