What are the optimal object lora settings?

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    • #11482
      Aadi Nashikkar

        Could you suggest the settings for training an sdxl lora on an object (clothing specifically) instead of a character? The website tutorial gives instructions for characters, including the lora training preset for characters.

        I tried that preset along with the rest of the online tutorial and didn’t get great results, so wondering where I went wrong. I also tried just some parameters that I found on a object training for sdxl video but that wasn’t any better.

        Even if you don’t have the exact parameters, some guidance on what to try or how things would be different for an item of clothing, it would be great!

      • #11487

          It would set you up for success if you find a token that generates objects similar to what you want to train. As always, good training images in a setting similar to what you are going to generate helps.

        • #11491
          Aadi Nashikkar

            Sounds good–I’ll get training images similar to inference and find a similar token.

            Do you think I should just use the SDXL – LoRA AI_characters standard v1.1 preset? Or should I use a different one? I see several other preset options for SDXL.

            Let me know if you are familiar with this!

            • #11495

                Unfortunately I don’t have experience on this. I would change the obvious targets like learning rate and number of epochs one at at time to see if they move the needle.

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