Tag images with keywords in the metadata?

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  • Author
    • #13595
      Peter Leistner

        I’m currently researching how to automatically tag my images. Preferably at no cost, or at least just a one-time fee and not monthly. I currently do this manually, which is very time-consuming. Does anyone have any information about it? Have a good time, Peter

      • #13599

          Do you mean generating captions for your images? You can automate it with a CLIP interrogator.

        • #13602
          Edward Morgan

            What do you want as a tag?

            I edit thousands of photos a week for our photography business and I add a logo to all my web images I use using a photo editing program – any good one will do this..

            You can also re-name them all as well. Many photo viewing programs can do the re-naming.

          • #13603
            Peter Leistner

              Please excuse me if I made myself unclear. It’s about automatic labeling with appropriate keywords. People write about autotagging programs on the internet. Yes, Andrew, I meant generating captions. Thank you for the answers. I’m now looking for CLIP interrogators. Peter

            • #13604
              Peter Leistner

                CLIP interrogator is not the right one. CLIP writes a prompt with which the image or something similar can be generated, which can in principle be used as an image description, but it does not generate any keywords and does not automatically save this data as IPTC data in the image file.

              • #13624

                  I can suggest an approach that requires some coding…

                  In the clip interrogator, you can define a list of keywords to check against an image.


                  You can replace them with the set of keywords you want.

                  Use clip interrogator to automatically select the keywords for an image, and write it to the image metadata.


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