Lora Train Colab has Error – Help, plz?

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    • #16585
      Derek Linklater

        Here’s the error end of the runtime:

        RuntimeError: stack expects each tensor to be equal size, but got [4, 144, 112] at entry 0 and [4, 136, 120] at entry 1

        Then it just exits.

        Thank you in advance!

      • #16594

          Hi, which lora training notebook did you use? sd 1.5, sdxl, or flux?

        • #16596
          Derek Linklater

            Sorry… SDXL

            • #16600

                I just tested the notebook with the sample training images. It is working correctly. Is this something related to your training image set?

            • #16601
              Derek Linklater

                So… I just went and resized/cropped each image to 1024×1024 (which, to be fair, it recommends in your tutorial but then goes on to say that it’s not strictly necessary…) and it seems to be working fine.

                So, either it was the cropping that made the difference or something just started working again.

                Thanks again for the help.  I’ll report back if there ends up being a problem.   It’s currently running.





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