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    • #13182
      Marko Zegarac


        Not a question, just wanted to thank you for your work on this website. Although YouTube is flooded with AI content, that doesn’t work for every learner. I learn by reading, comprehending and following (written) instructions. Your presentation of content here is truly amazing. I couldn’t do better myself (and I do teaching for a living).

        Looking forward to seeing more of your articles/tutorials on the upcoming technologies!


        (PS As feedback to you, let me add: consider creating a subforum called ‘Feedback’. 🙂

      • #13200

          Thanks for the compliment! Great idea. I will add a feedback section when I got a chance.

        • #13591
          Graeme Nimmo

            I just want to chip in and echo Marko’s comment above to show my massive appreciation for the content you create. I’m an ex-teacher and I absolutely loathe and detest learning from youtube videos and have a massive preference for text and the work you’ve done is great for that, so I’d like to throw you a massive thanks for that.

          • #13597

              Thank you, Graeme! 😄

            • #14229
              Rafael Bravin

                I also wanted to show my gratitude, your site showed me the path to an incredible journey. Since the time I started learning here I’ve grown massively and now I feel like I’m finally able do walk on my own. Even tho I miss some updates and more advanced content (and would like to know when there is new stuff available), for a beginner this was a wounderfull place to start.
                If you ever add some newer content with the more advanced stuff that is coming out (flux and newer lcm animate-diff models) I will defnetly take a look, cheers.

              • #15602
                David Rawlins

                  Hi Andrew,

                  I’d also like to add my thanks to you for SDA – it is a fantastic learning resource.

                  One suggestion is that if you have time, it would be worth refreshing the pages that cite or link to checkpoint models as there are some newer versions and some of them (eg Juggernaut XL_v11) seem very good indeed and a big improvement over the older ones. I can see the move is towards Flux and other new models but some of the SDXL models are still pretty good from what I’ve seen. I’ve mostly stopped using standard SD models but they can also be made to work well as you’ve shown.

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