Beginner Problems

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    • #11666
      David Coffey

        Hi. I’ve just signed up and want to learn how to use Stable Diffusion etc. Having purchased a membership with yourselves, I started working through the process on your “How to run Stable Diffusion on Google Colab (AUTOMATIC1111)” page. I also purchased a CoLab Pro plan as recommended.

        I’ve scrolled down to the section entitled “Step-by-step instructions to run the CoLab notebook”, which tells me to open the CoLab notebook in the Quickstart guide, but I don’t understand what this instruction means. How can I open a CoLab notebook in a guide? Do you just mean open up AUTOMATIC1111 in CoLab? If so, how do I open this notebook in CoLAb? Do I open it from my Google Drive? If so, where can I find a copy to upload to my Google Drive to then open in a CoLab notebook?

      • #11760

          Hi David, you can access the Colab notebok here:

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