Say hi and introduce yourself!


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    • #6986

        Welcome and thank you for being a member!

      • #7660

          _first_ 🙂

          Hi Andrew, this is a great resource.

          I’m new to generative AI but SD seemed like a fun way to learn.

          Thanks, Rob


          • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Roberto.
          • #7699

              Thank you! Best wishes to your journey of diffusion!

          • #7896
            Muhammad Jawad


              I am Jawad (VFX Artist). Learning Stable Diffusion from this website and just signed up for a Plus membership so I can get support whenever I face any issues learning this.


              • #7902

                  Hi Jawad! Welcome to my site. Feel free to leave a message if you have any questions!

                  • #7931
                    Muhammad Jawad

                      Thanks a lot, Andrew.

                      Whenever I need guidance.

                      What is the best way to contact you? (Contact form, forum, email, or any other way?)

                    • #7932

                        Leave a message in the forum. I will get back to you shortly.

                      • #7933
                        Muhammad Jawad

                          Ok, Thanks. In which thread should I leave my message?

                        • #7944

                            Hi! You can start new topics in the appropriate forum.

                      • #7897
                        Jose S. D.

                          Hola a todos desde España

                          • #7903

                              Hello Jose! Welcome!

                          • #8704
                            Peter Leistner

                              Hi, i’m Peter. I started with AI image generation in April 2023, online at first. In September i installed Automatic1111 on my PC. SD1.5 works quite well on my outdated cpu and the 3060ti gpu. SDXL is really slow. Looking forward to courses and tutorials. In the first few months i mainly dealt with prompting. Now i would like to slowly delve deeper into AI image generating. I’ll start here with my first question. What is the Upscaler2 all about and where can i find information about it?

                              • #8705

                                  Welcome Peter! Upscaler 2 on the Extra tab is the 2nd upscaler applied to the image. It is used for blending 2 upscalers. You choose upscalers 1 and 2, and adjust the visibility for 2 to achieve the blending effect.

                              • #8812
                                Jojo MojoJojo Mojo

                                  Hello Andrew! Happy to be a part of this. How do I add an avatar on my forum profile?

                                • #8814
                                  Jojo MojoJojo Mojo

                                    Never mind, figured it out!

                                  • #8822

                                      I will add the instructions to the FAQ!

                                    • #10059

                                      Hi Everyone,

                                      My name is Siva Manickam, and I am eager to delve into Stable Diffusion through this website to enhance a platform I’m developing. My objective is to determine the most effective method for solving a problem using Stable Diffusion. I am keen on receiving advice on how to best accomplish this and am looking forward to exchanging knowledge and learning together

                                      • #10078

                                          Welcome Siva!

                                      • #10426
                                        Ralph Lyle

                                          hello, my name is Ralph

                                          I’m new to AI and thought this would be the place to be.  I just installed Stable Diffusion WebUI Automatic1111 on my mac m2 machine.   I’m just an amateur bird and landscape photographer.  Looking forward to learning new things.  I took C computer language at college – and that helped on the installation.

                                          I don’t know the python language – but I’ll learn it if I have to.

                                          thanks , Ralph




                                          • #10427

                                              Welcome Ralph! Let me know if you have any questions!

                                          • #10429
                                            Isaac Bowman

                                              Hello everyone, I’m Isaac. I’ve been reading Andrew’s tutorials for about a week  now and think they’re great. (Andrew, your a talented guy!)……Anyway, I’m looking forward to using this site and the “courses” as a major learning resource. I started experimenting on Think Diffusion a couple weeks ago, and I’ve realized there is a lot to learn about the A1111 platform. Andrew, if your trying to brainstorm new ideas for tutorials…..I think a good topic would be the best practices for “saving images,downloading,  creating folders and subfolders, reusing images and metadata…….etc.” On Think Diffusions platform I’ve been having trouble dragging and dropping images from my files into the img2img field….I can do it though by “right clicking, save image, control-V”……anyhow lots to learn!

                                              • #10434

                                                  Welcome! ThinkDiffusion has its own file system. You can give some feedback to the folks at ThinkDiffusion. They are very responsive.

                                              • #10430

                                                  Hi everyone,

                                                  I‘m Sebastian. I started using SD a few months ago, first at an online service and later with A1111 and ComfyUI. I generate mostly fantasy and sci-fi images.
                                                  I stumbled across this site a few times and thought that it may be time for being part of this community.

                                                  • #10435


                                                  • #11127
                                                    Chris C Koontz

                                                      Hi Andrew. I’m very new to all this and I’m having a hard time understanding it all.  I’ve been trying to install SDXL Turbo, ComfyUI, and ComfyUI-Manager for three days now and still haven’t got it done. I think I may be having a problem with Python too. My Avast One Anti-virus kept blocking it and I’m not sure it’s completely fixed. I have never worked with anything even close to Python or Git. Just the Command Prompt and Powershell. I’m a musician by profession and I wanted to do this so I could create my own music videos instead of paying a professional production company to make them. I know it’s going to be awesome once I get it working. I just need to figure out what’s going on.

                                                    • #11129

                                                        Installing the comfy portable in Windows is the easiest way. You download, unzip and run. You can try that route if you haven’t already.

                                                        Comfyui is a bit harder to learn but it also has many pre-made video workflow available.

                                                      • #11276
                                                        Scott OnstottScott Onstott

                                                          Hi Andrew, my name is Scott and I have been enjoying your free tutorials for some months now and decided to subscribe today. Thank you for doing what you are doing. I started with A1111 and now prefer using ComfyUI.

                                                          • #11284

                                                              Welcome Scott!

                                                          • #11454
                                                            Rafael Bravin

                                                              Hello everyone, My name is Rafael from Brazil, I just had an epiphany today on how to monetise a fictional character created using AI in social media. Me and my fiance are very excited to start this new project and this site has helped me tremendously, I felt like I just had to give something in return. I plan to train a model to generate always the same character in images and videos, and from what I’ve seen @Andrew, there are some courses and tutorials on how to do that right? I just signed in and became a member but got a little confused on the difference between a member and a scholar, now I cant find the page where details are shown so I was hoping you could clarify on that.

                                                              Anyways, I’m a programmer and am used to solve a lot of strange bugs, or at least know how to search for solutions so maybe I could help you in case someone needs it, I dont know, jsut saying. Also writing in forums is a fun trip back in time for me feels like nostalgia hehe

                                                              • #11490

                                                                  Hi Rafael!

                                                                  There are two membership tiers when you sign up: Plus and Scoloar.

                                                                  Plus memberhsip gives you access to members-only workflow and resources, such as model training tools and curated comfyui workflows.

                                                                  Scholar membership includes everything in Plus, and adds the online courses on A1111 and ComfyUI.

                                                                  You can see a comparison here:


                                                                  You can switch the membership plan in the Accounts page.

                                                                  Regarding this forum, I am no wordpress programmer. This is the forum tool that my membership plugin recommends. It was in bad shape after I installed it. I needed to do a lot of work to make it usable LOL. But the price is right (Free).


                                                              • #11485
                                                                Iain Clark

                                                                  Hey I am Iain. I’m obsessed with image generation. I have been playing around with Dall E but now ready to learn something more refined. I see some amazing work on Deviant art and I want to learn. 🙂

                                                                  Nice to be here. 🙂

                                                                  • #11583

                                                                      Welcome! I am sure you will enjoy the flexibility of SD!

                                                                  • #11581
                                                                    sanriver maerd

                                                                      Hello everyone from Switzerland

                                                                      I am new here and I wand to learn AI genereting my imagines.

                                                                      kind regards


                                                                      • #11582


                                                                      • #12490
                                                                        Jesus Rafael GarciaJesus Rafael Garcia

                                                                          Hi from Spain. My name is Jesus, i use Anaconda and Python for gaussian splatter, then LM studio for LLM and now stable diffusion, i am a system engineer and developer in unity, unreal, AR, VR, 3D modeler in max, blender, etc., I work for a group of companies that have real estate, golf courses and clothing stores. I want to train Stable Diffusion to use our style of architectural construction and materials, I am open to suggestions. Thanks.

                                                                          Best regards.


                                                                          • #12508

                                                                              Welcome Jesus! Looks like you have a lot of experience. You can start with training a LoRA and choose a token that is already close to what you want.

                                                                          • #12785
                                                                            Jesus Rafael GarciaJesus Rafael Garcia

                                                                              What is the best way to train a LoRA locally?, what about textual inversion? at home i have an RTX 3080ti 12GB  and in my secondary pc a RTX 3060 12gb, looking to buy a new RTX 4080 Super 16GB for main pc, at work i have an ex mining rig with 5 x RTX 3060 12GB, can i use multi gpu?. Thanks.

                                                                              Best regads.


                                                                              • #12798

                                                                                  You should be able to train LoRA locally with 12GB VRAM. A popular software is Kohya_ss.

                                                                                  You can train textual inversion in A1111. But people generally prefer LoRA over textual inversion,

                                                                                  Using multiple GPU is possible but likely require additional setup. I am not sure if Kohya_ss has native support.

                                                                                  When buying a new GPU, I would advise prioritizing high VRAM because it will save you a lot of trouble in making things work.

                                                                              • #12803
                                                                                fraser munro

                                                                                  Hi all from Aotrearoa/New Zealand.

                                                                                  Diving into SD to work it into my freelance motion/character animation business.
                                                                                  Leaping before being pushed 🙂

                                                                                • #12832
                                                                                  William Huen

                                                                                    Hi everyone, from William/Hong Kong.

                                                                                    The future of film and television production is full of infinite possibilities, really hope to use Lora to continue creating more brilliant works.

                                                                                    • #12846

                                                                                        Welcome William!

                                                                                    • #13162
                                                                                      Lawrence Jordan

                                                                                        Hi People, I’m Lawrence, aka filmalchemy. I’m amazed at the work being done in the AI video gen space and want to learn how to do it. I am a long time film professional and now run my own training business for people who want to become pro editors in Hollywood, etc.

                                                                                        I know AI is coming to filmmaking in a big way and although there will be massive disruption, I’m very excited about the changes and democratization it will bring. I’m a total newbie at this, but if I can answer any questions about my area of expertise, (film editing) LMK

                                                                                        • #13179

                                                                                            Welcome! It’s great to have an expert like you here!

                                                                                        • #13250

                                                                                            Hi, I am a recently retired 3D designer and AI curious.
                                                                                            Now that I have time and so much dizzying information on the net, I have been fortunate to find this site to familiarize myself and learn from SD.
                                                                                            Excellent website!


                                                                                            • #13276

                                                                                                Hi Bernardo! Welcome! It’s great to have you here.

                                                                                            • #13721
                                                                                              Tommy Miller

                                                                                                Hi! I’m Tommy; I joined because Andrew’s courses have been a bigger help than most resources and the monthly fee is quite reasonable. I’m here to learn about what Stable Diffusion really is, and how to use it in a practical way as a budding AI artist. I’m mainly interested in A4 (this is my name for Automatic1111, as it saves about eight syllables), but I do have a working ComfyUI installation to use with a really cool extension in Krita.

                                                                                                The information available online is staggering and often confusing; it’s inculcated a sort of information paralysis that keeps me from getting started on anything meaningful. I also paint in real life (well, I put pigment on a canvas; calling it painting may be a tad generous), and I want to dive in and get my fingers stained, so to speak.

                                                                                                But that can be hard, because dealing with AI, it often seems as if the infrastructure, the underlying technologies, the possibilities, the uses, and the performance all see rapid gains and development, and keeping up with everything that’s possible feels like a full-time job.

                                                                                                I’m relying on Andrew to understand this stuff and distill it into something a layman can understand, and use to make artistic decisions. I’m an amateur programmer (well, I write code and the toolchain allows me to compile it; calling it programming may be a tad generous), so I have some interest in the nitty-gritty underpinnings, but I’m no compsci major; I don’t have the background. I picked this site because Andrew actually replies to emails, and because when I apply the techniques he’s written in articles, while I don’t necessarily quite get where I’m going, I definitely get to a place that’s gonna help me out; a place much closer to what I want.

                                                                                                Computers could never do this stuff when I was growing up. It’s a brave new world we’re venturing into, and I can’t wait to participate along the way.

                                                                                                Happy diffusing!

                                                                                                • #13722

                                                                                                    Hey Tommy, great to see you become a member! Great to have you here.

                                                                                                • #13752
                                                                                                  Adelina ArendarskaAdelina Arendarska

                                                                                                    Hi there

                                                                                                    I am a designer, an AI enthusiast, a fan of Midjourney since July 2022, and I am constantly hungry for AI knowledge.
                                                                                                    I hope the course will be understandable for me even if I my left half of brain isn’t developed enough… if you know what I mean 🤣

                                                                                                    • #13758

                                                                                                        Welcome Adelina! Let me know if you have any questions!

                                                                                                        • #13905
                                                                                                          Adelina ArendarskaAdelina Arendarska



                                                                                                            what do you think about

                                                                                                          • #13962

                                                                                                              It saves you some set up troubles with A1111 and ComfyUI. After installation, they work the same.

                                                                                                        • #14176

                                                                                                            Hi anyone and pretty everyone too from Spain.

                                                                                                            Nice tutos Andrew.

                                                                                                            I’d been hungry seeking SD info and procedures since too many time (in hours, minutes, days) until I found your A1111 colab tutorial. Sad that colab service quality is not always on par, but it works.

                                                                                                            Looking for video generation info and workflows for character placement, cam paths, control lighting, etc. Im a video guy but a complete outsider to SD and with no local setup, so… theres a long way there to my own late night show comedy I guess.

                                                                                                            As many of you I’ve tried almost any video generator there, but they are too $ consuming. Time to consume my own time, I got plenty.

                                                                                                            Some results here

                                                                                                            • #14186

                                                                                                                Welcome yoyo! I hope you find good intro materials to get you started. Let me know if you have any questions.

                                                                                                            • #14884

                                                                                                                Hi Andrew,

                                                                                                                thanks for all your content. I really enjoyed your articels and now i’m taking a look into your courses.

                                                                                                                I’m running A1111 with my AMD GPU with ZLUDA on Windows.

                                                                                                                • #14885

                                                                                                                    Welcome, Peter!

                                                                                                                • #14887

                                                                                                                    Hello all.  I first discovered Stable Diffusion in September 2023, via really good art on someone’s Twitter account.  I later found out he had a Discord group with remote access to his computer, so us users on there could dabble.  Then I realized that the real magic was what he was doing after text-to-image and inpainting, and I wanted to do that myself.  I bought a new computer since then and installed Automatic1111.  I’ve dabbled a bit, but keep getting overwhelmed by all the options and constantly new stuff coming out.  I need some structure and education, so I’m looking forward to diving into the courses.  A friend recommended this site to me.  I have plenty of downloaded art that I like with meta data (considering them partial recipes for the future) and I’m ready to start creating on my own 🙂

                                                                                                                    • #14888

                                                                                                                        You come to the right place. Welcome Diegeri!

                                                                                                                    • #15113
                                                                                                                      David Rawlins

                                                                                                                        Hi, I’m David and discovered SD only 2 weeks ago but am already completely immersed in the world of creative illustration. Love the website and the course I’ve done so far. There’s a lot of content to absorb!

                                                                                                                        I’m running A1111 on Colab and getting to grips with it slowly. I’ve also tried the OpenArt platform which is good for newbies like me and shows me what is possible. Looking forward to the journey.

                                                                                                                        • #15120

                                                                                                                            Welcome, David!

                                                                                                                        • #15242
                                                                                                                          Arthur Machado

                                                                                                                            Hi there,

                                                                                                                            I’m Arthur, advertising film producer now starting to act as an AI film director through some production companies around the world. Signed up to really upskill in stable diffusion and engage with the community for making some groundbreaking work in the ad space.

                                                                                                                            Feels great to be here already!

                                                                                                                            • #15358

                                                                                                                                Welcome Arthur! That sounds like a dream job!

                                                                                                                            • #15658
                                                                                                                              Herbert GruberHerbert Gruber

                                                                                                                                Hi, I’m Herbert. I work with stable diffusion on clipdrop and dezgo since 2 years now. Like the juggernautxl_1024px model, but also play with sdxl_1024px. While Cleanup is working really well on Clipdrop (but is restricted to SFW images) I have my problems with Inpainting on dezgo. This is mainly why I am here and booked the courses. Then I saw on your site, that its possible to run stable diffusion on Google Colab. Definitely the next topic for me. I just love the freedom of ai-art and don’t want to be restricted by filters. Hope this is possible on  Google Colab (as it is on dezgo).

                                                                                                                                • #15667

                                                                                                                                    Welcome Herbert! Sounds like you are an old timer. Yes, I maintain colab notebooks for running A1111, Forge, and ComfyUI as a community service…

                                                                                                                                • #15968
                                                                                                                                  Jared Steinke

                                                                                                                                    Hi All,

                                                                                                                                    I am Jared, and I am a new member, beginner to SD. My experience with AI is that I use ChatGPT for a variety of purposes, and I’ve experimented with Midjourney and Dall-E for image generation. My education is in philosophy, and I am a musician hobbyist that would like to be more than a hobbyist in the future. What led me to SD is a project I am working on for a friend in a nursing home. He worked as a scientist and now has interests in creativity and bringing his creative imaginings to life and perhaps writing about them in a blog. I haven’t been able to capture the details of his ideas using Midjourney, so I am hoping the higher level of customization in SD will allow me to produce the images he wants. I am also interested in developing skills in AI for my own career, as I am looking to pivot to something new. Lastly, I have two YouTube channels (Mr. S Rocks, Steinke Music) where I’ve posted some songs for fun, but I haven’t worked on these much and it’s been years since my last uploads. When I upload more songs in the future, I think I can use my SD skills to help make visually stimulating videos, and I am interested in creating new YouTube channels with the help of AI as well. I am excited to learn more. I am in need of a new computer this year, and right now I am going the Google Colab route. It’s nice to meet you. I’m going to get started with SD Level 1 course now. Cheers!

                                                                                                                                    • #15976

                                                                                                                                        Welcome Jared! You come at the right time. Local AI videos have started to mature.

                                                                                                                                    • #15980
                                                                                                                                      Melanie GMelanie G

                                                                                                                                        hi Andrew! Absolutely a fantastic resource. Thanks so much! I am absolutely thrilled with the lessons 🙂

                                                                                                                                        • #16029

                                                                                                                                            Welcome Melanie! I’m happy that you are happy 😊

                                                                                                                                        • #16056
                                                                                                                                          Kazi Nazmul Haque


                                                                                                                                            • #16057


                                                                                                                                            • #16170
                                                                                                                                              Dyon Harshanto

                                                                                                                                                Hi, I’m Dyon from Indonesia. my experience are based on graphic design, and I really eager to master Stable Diffusion. I hope I can learn a lot from this course.
                                                                                                                                                Nice to meet you all.

                                                                                                                                                • #16171

                                                                                                                                                    Welcome Dyon!

                                                                                                                                                • #16448

                                                                                                                                                    Hi there,

                                                                                                                                                    Runamaralda here 🙂 Germay guy – rushing to 54 and very interested at learning AI – Art generetion.

                                                                                                                                                    Nice page and forum here! I hope I can learn many things from the course and from you.

                                                                                                                                                    Happy to be here!

                                                                                                                                                    • #16488

                                                                                                                                                        Welcome Runamaralda! Let me know if you have any questions.

                                                                                                                                                    • #16838
                                                                                                                                                      Javier Vega

                                                                                                                                                        Hi from Spain. I’m enjoying a lot with this content. Thanks, Andrew!

                                                                                                                                                        • #16841

                                                                                                                                                            Welcome Javier!

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