Runtime errors, again… Help

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    • #17356
      Peter Macdonald

        Guys, is there anyway to fix this in A1111 UI:

        AI-Tools\A1111\sd.webui\webui\modules\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cast
        x_sample = x_sample.astype(np.uint8)
        100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 30/30 [00:10<00:00, 2.75it/s]
        D:\AI-Tools\A1111\sd.webui\webui\modules\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cast
        x_sample = x_sample.astype(np.uint8)

        I get this every 3rd or so render.. I’ve tried, “floating point to 32 in settings”, –no half vae, –precision full, with controlnet, without controlnet, etc, etc… What is it?… I just did a clean install due to controlnet models not working, now this.

        What does it take to get a functioning UI of A111? I have a AMD 7700, 8 core, 128 Gigs of Ram, 3090 Graphics card with 24 G VRAM…  Can I pay someone to fix this?  Beyond fustration… Help, thanks..

      • #17403

          Haven’t encountered this before but you can try:

          1. Use SDP Attention “–opt-sdp-attention” argument.

          2. Forge uses a different backend. Try if you see the same error.

        • #17430
          Peter Macdonald

            Thanks, I’ll try… I’m having some luck with –no half          … in the command line. Seems to make things a tad slower but it’s stable (no pun) now.

            I’ll try your suggestion as well


            • #17431

                One more thing come to mind: Use python 3.10

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