How to make an AI influencer YouTube video

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You can now use AI to generate short video clips with narration. This workflow combines Flux AI and RunwayML’s Gen3-Alpha to generate a virtual Youtuber with narration.

You will need a RunwayML subscription to use Gen3-Alpha. The Standard plan will do.

Here’s how:

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By Andrew

Andrew is an experienced engineer with a specialization in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He is passionate about programming, art, photography, and education. He has a Ph.D. in engineering.


  1. Bad lip sync too, wow. I bought the membership to Runway for this? LOL

    I could have done this locally, or even better, with better tools, but I think this is great, if not lacking in ways to fix. My video came out like a ninja movie lip sync lol

  2. FLUX not working in M1 Max Mac, at all. Forge with FLUX Checkpoint just says

    RuntimeError: linear(): input and weight.T shapes cannot be multiplied (4032×64 and 1×98304)


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